Beyblade falls off if i start revving too fast, or if i go fast in the slightest, gives me weak spin, and bey struggles to stay on.
Order has been delayed for close to 10+ days, I suspect its an issue with USPS and not this seller but Im uncertain. The beys I bought previously were good quality for the price though. Once I get my order I will update the rating.
I bought one, and after a day of using it, began getting cracked and having holes, now I do not blame the seller, I blame the beyblade variaries, none of my other beys caused damage, but Variaries for whatever reason, absolutely destroys this stadium, i have holes punched in from variaries’ recoil hitting the walls, same with a crack, thankfully beywarehouse is awesome and sent a new one (which i stacked under the old one to hopefully reinforce it a bit and variaries still damaged the replacement underneath the one with holes) just becareful with usinf variaries on these stadiums, otherwise, it works, its fun, and it can last!
Loved it since I was a kid. I enjoy it every time I play with it. A 5 star for sure.
Don’t fucking buy from here so fucking scam didn’t get my products and it’s been almost a month